Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List In Arizona for 2022 – Bruce Hosler

5th Consecutive Year – Bruce Hosler is awarded Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List for 2022 in Arizona. As the founder of Hosler Wealth Management and with over 25 years of experience in financial planning, Bruce has been instrumental in helping clients navigate through some of the most challenging market cycles in history. His philosophy of providing exceptional client service is

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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | March 2022

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q1 2022 Despite mixed first -quarter results, markets partially bounced back in March. Medical risks related to Covid-19 fell substantially throughout the quarter. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Fed’s monetary tightening policies impacted markets. Positive March wraps shaky quarter Equity markets partially bounced back in March. The S&P 500, Dow

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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | December 2021

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q4 2021 Solid December Caps Off a Strong Year for Markets Markets rallied to finish out 2021, with all three major U.S. indices notching gains for the month, quarter, and year. The S&P 500 gained 4.48 percent in December, 11.03 percent for the quarter, and 28.71 percent for the year. The Dow

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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | September 2021

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q3 2021 Domestic and international markets fell sharply in September, which weighed on quarterly returns. The economic recovery appeared to slow due to continued medical concerns and falling consumer confidence. Political risks at home and abroad led to uncertainty as we start the fourth quarter. Rocky September Leads to Mixed Quarter Markets

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What US Navy Seals can teach us about uncertainty

What US Navy Seals can teach us about uncertainty.  Bruce Hosler shares lessons learned from the Navy Seals on how to cope with stress and uncertainty and still accomplish your goals. Contact Us Video Transcript Hello, I'm Bruce Hosler wishing you success and confidence from knowing you have a plan to deal with all of life's ‘moments of truth. Read
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How to Protect Against Inflation

Bruce Hosler, Founder and Principal of Hosler Wealth Management speaks about the facts behind the headlines with the rise of inflation. When inflation is stable and predictable, it’s a sign of a basically healthy growing economy. But high inflation can quickly eat away at the purchasing power of your dollars, indicating that the economy might be overheated. So, what is
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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | June 2021

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights,  Q2 2021 Positive June Caps Off Strong Quarter for Markets Equity markets rallied in June, which capped off a positive month and quarter for all three major U.S. indices. Both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite hit record highs in June before pulling back slightly toward month-end. The S&P 500 gained 2.33

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Selling your home in 2022 could be a Great Tax Move!

Selling your home in 2022 could be a Great Tax Move! Housing prices are hitting all-time highs! It is a sellers’ market almost anywhere in the United States, and especially in Arizona. Many homeowners have seen the value of their primary residence double and even triple over the last decade, making them reconsider their estate planning. This maybe one of

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How to decide if a Roth IRA conversion is right for your tax strategy

401k vs Roth IRA, which is better? Knowing how to decide if a Roth IRA conversion is the right choice for you requires a deeper look into Roth vs traditional IRA. Bruce Hosler, a retirement planning professional in Prescott Arizona, explains how to utilize a market downturn or a volatile market to consider making a Roth IRA conversion. Contact Us
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Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List In Arizona for 2021 – Bruce Hosler

4th Consecutive Year – Bruce Hosler is awarded Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List for 2021 in Arizona. As the founder of Hosler Wealth Management and with over 24 years of experience in financial planning, Bruce has been instrumental in helping clients navigate through some of the most challenging market cycles in history. His philosophy of providing exceptional client service is

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