Bruce Hosler


Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | March 2021

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q1 2021 Despite volatility, domestic and international equity markets finished the quarter with positive results. Rising interest rates, fueled by inflation and growth expectations, were a headwind for fixed income markets. The economic recovery continued, with strong jobs data and rising consumer confidence. Solid Month Caps Positive Quarter U.S. stock markets saw

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The American Jobs Plan and Proposed Tax Policy

The American Jobs Plan and Proposed Tax Policy On March 31, 2021, President Biden introduced the American Jobs Plan, a proposal designed to improve the country’s aging infrastructure. In total, the plan will invest more than $2 trillion over the next decade. The specific provisions of the proposal will likely change prior to making its way to Congress and will

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3 Worst Investment Mistakes

Are you hard-wired with behavioral bias when investing? Bruce Hosler shares three of the worst behavioral mistakes investors make. Learn how mindset and emotional behavior have a massive impact on your financial outcome with these investing tips from our Arizona-based financial advisor. Video Transcript Hello, I'm Bruce Hosler with Hosler Wealth Management, and I'm going to teach you how to
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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | December 2020

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q4 2020 Domestic and international markets finished the month, quarter, and year with positive results. The start of the public vaccination process was a positive development for the coronavirus crisis. Economic data was mixed heading into year-end, but the stimulus bill and public health progress should help support growth moving forward. Strong

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Sonoran Living ABC15 – Bruce Hosler’s interview about the “Secure Act”

Bruce Hosler, Founder and Principal of Hosler Wealth Management LLC., shares with viewers how the "Secure Act" has done away with the "Stretch IRA." The "Secure Act" killed the ability of IRA beneficiaries to take required minimum distributions over their remaining life expectancy period. In addition to our analysis of the most significant changes of the Secure Act, Bruce speaks
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The “Secure Act” demands new beneficiary planning for your IRA and Roth IRA!

The “Secure Act” has killed the “Stretch IRA”! By Bruce Hosler EA, CFP®, CPWA®, AIF®, CEPA® Technically the term “Stretch IRA is a made-up term used in the financial services industry to describe the distribution benefits that used to be afforded to the beneficiaries of an inherited IRA. That ended in 2019 when Congress passed the “Secure Act”. The “Secure
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Elite Advisor Interview With Bruce Hosler

Robert Neiderman of Elite Advisor Program interviews Bruce Hosler about what made him want to become a wealth manager.  Learn more about Bruce’s humble beginnings and what drives him to serve his current client’s best interest.  Bruce speaks to what makes him and Hosler Wealth Management unique in their services and the types of clients they serve. You will learn

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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | September 2020

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q3 2020 Markets dropped in September, but they showed solid gains for the quarter. Coronavirus cases increased in September–a sign that risks may rise heading into the fall. Economic data released in September pointed to a slowdown, but continued moderate growth remains likely. Positive Quarter, Despite Rough September Markets dropped early in

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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | June 2020

Presented by Bruce Hosler Financial Market Quarterly Highlights, Q2 2020 June was a positive month for global equity markets, contributing to strong quarterly gains. The economy continued to reopen, with confidence figures and consumer spending rebounding strongly. Localized virus outbreaks mean the risks to the recovery and market rally are still out there. Positive June Caps Off Strong Quarter June

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Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List In Arizona for 2020 – Bruce Hosler

3rd Consecutive Year – Bruce Hosler is awarded Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor List for 2020 in Arizona. As the founder of Hosler Wealth Management and with over 23 years of experience in financial planning, Bruce has been instrumental in helping clients navigate through some of the most challenging market cycles in history. His philosophy of providing exceptional client service is

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