Bruce Hosler


Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | December 2022

Presented by Bruce Hosler Market Update for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2022 December Sell-Off Caps Turbulent Year Markets sold off in December, contributing to mixed results for the quarter and declines for 2022. The S&P 500 lost 5.76 percent during the month, gained 7.56 percent for the quarter, and lost 18.11 percent for the year. Dow Jones Industrial Average

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Avoiding IRA Beneficiary Mistakes with the new IRA RMD Regulations

To enlarge/shrink flipbook for viewing - click the button above. To Print or Download a PDF version - click the elipsis Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member, a Registered Investment Adviser. 700 S. Montezuma Street, Prescott, AZ 86303. Phone: 928.778.7666. The Financial Advisors associated with this website may discuss and/or transact business only with residents
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#15 | Insanity is doing the same thing over & over, and expecting a different result

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes Einstein said, "The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result."   We've seen some historic shifts in the markets in 2022.  So why would you employ the same strategies you've been using for the past 40 or so years? We've seen drops in stock and bond markets,
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#14 | Controlling the Controllables

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes There are so many uncertainties in today's world - everything from war, to the remnants of a pandemic, to the political turmoil we currently see in our country.   And economically, we've seen supply chain and worker shortages, and a stock market that's been down anywhere from 16-22% in 2022. Often when circumstances are beyond our
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#13 | Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes For IRA owners that are charitably inclined, a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD, can be an incredibly useful tool. Today, Bruce Hosler of Hosler Wealth Management explains the rules around QCD's, including who is eligible to make them, which organizations are eligible to receive them, which accounts can be used, and some very common pitfalls to
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#12 | Asset-Based Long-Term Care Insurance (LTC)

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes Asset-based long-term care insurance is something Bruce Hosler and the team at Hosler Wealth Management work on frequently for our clients. Traditional long-term care will require you to pay a premium until you go on claim, and rates can often change. However, asset-based long-term care premiums are paid with assets; therefore, they can't raise the premium
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#11 | The Inflation Reduction Act – What Does It Mean For You?

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes In September, the government passed the "Inflation Reduction Act."  Today Bruce Hosler of Hosler Wealth Management breaks down the key pieces of the legislation and how it can affect you going forward.  We break it down into 9 key areas: Health Care Premium Tax Credit New Home Energy Systems Tax Credits New Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax
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#10 | IRA & 401K accounts are no longer good wealth transfer tools

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes n the last episode, Bruce Hosler and Jag spoke about the SECURE Act, passed in 2019, and its effects on inherited and stretch IRAs. Today, we dive deeper into why traditional IRAs and 401ks are no longer good wealth transfer tools. Ideally, you want to minimize both your tax burden and the burden of your heirs. And
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Financial Market Quarterly Commentary | September 2022

Presented by Bruce Hosler September Sell-off Caps Challenging Quarter Equity markets saw widespread declines in September, wiping out gains from earlier in the quarter and bringing the major indices to their lowest closing levels for the year. The S&P 500 fell 9.21 percent during the month, which caused the index to lose 4.88 percent during the quarter. The Dow Jones

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#9 | Why You Need to Update Your IRA Beneficiary Forms

Show NotesTranscriptView All Episodes In 2019, the US Government passed the SECURE Act, and one of the most significant ramifications was on what's known as the stretch IRA. Many people who inherit an IRA, now have a ten-year window to withdraw those funds. Previously there was no time restraint. There are five classes of individuals who have a different rulebook
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