Tune In to Fox Business Network for a Half Hour with Bruce Hosler Founder of Hosler Wealth Management

April is National Financial Literacy Month. Coming up on Fox Business on April 13, 2024, at 1:30 pm Arizona time, and 4:30 pm EST, Bruce Hosler the author of “Moving to Tax-Free.” The episode will be hosted by industry legend Tom Hegna.

To leave behind a legacy, one needs a vision, but to materialize it, one requires expertise. “Tom Hegna’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” will feature prominent financial professional and author, Bruce Hosler, in honor of Financial Literacy Month.

Founder and principal of Hosler Wealth Management LLC, Bruce Hosler’s new book Moving to Tax-Free: Strategies for Creating Tax-Free Retirement Income, and Tax-Free Lifetime Legacy Income for Your Children is out and considered one of the best books to read during financial literacy month.

No one enjoys paying taxes, that’s what makes Bruce Hosler’s book so popular. The world’s wealthiest know it’s not about earning more; it’s about keeping more, managing risk, and planning for the future.  In his upcoming book “Moving to Tax-Free™”, Bruce reveals his sound and intentional strategies for generating tax-free retirement income.

Determined to build financial literacy in America, not just in the month of April, Bruce also co-hosts the successful bi-weekly podcast, Protecting & Preserving Wealth. He discusses and provides timely answers for their listeners on a variety of financial topics.  He started the podcast because a number of his clients had questions, and this was a way to give them a venue to listen to different answers on all the things they’re concerned about. For more information visit

This informative interview is scheduled to air nationally on Fox Business as sponsored content to build Financial Literacy in America. Highlighting the enduring importance of financial education in today’s ever-changing world, this series focuses on promoting that it’s never too late or too early to start taking control of your financial future.

Tom Hegna is a Top US Economist, Retirement Income Expert, and the Best-Selling Author and host of “Tom Hegna’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”. Tom Hegna has been an incredibly popular industry speaker for many years and is considered by many to be the Retirement Income Expert.

Want to know how to create tax-free retirement income? Then stay-tuned and watch Bruce’s interview on FOX BUSINESS Saturday, April 13th, @ 1:30 PM Arizona time, 4:30 PM EST.

See you there!

Discover more about how Bruce can help you move to tax-free or contact Bruce for a speaking engagement at

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